Jumat, 26 November 2010

green grass

the grass used to look so green
but not now the sun has come out in full
all you can see is semi-nude bodies laying as one
some with cameras pointing at loved ones so bright
they can’t see the river at all
but they don’t seem to care if it’s there or not
they just want to lay and catch the sun so bright
the younger ones just want to run to the cafe so small
then eat the ice cream before it runs
and they don’t seem to want to see the river at all
with the large barges painted in colours so bright
the grander boats looking out of place right now
as they go down the river so small
but those  aboard don’t seem to have much on at all
and none of them seem to notice the eye so large
those on the eye are proud that they can see so far
while the river and park they can’t see at all
but they can see the castle looking very grand
those who come to see the castle so large
have not got time to see the rest at all
just look around the castle and dream they are royal
but whatever they do today 
they will have fun in Windsor town                                    


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